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George Town Penang

 George Town


George Town is the capital city of the Malaysian state of Penang.The oldest port of George town has been designated by UNESCO World heritage Site since 2008.Few of the buildings of George Town are pre-war buildings in Southeast Asia.The historic landmark includes Fort Cornvwallis,Penang State Museum,City Hall,Central Business District on Beach Street, and worship places such as St.George Church,the Kapitan Keling Mosque and the Goddess of Merch Temple.


Malaysia is a diversified country with diversified reglions,hence there are different Mosques and churches along with different temples for the people to worship.Thus in George town the temple include Buddist temple,Chinese Temple,Burmese temple and Hindu temples. 

The most popular beaches of George Town are Gurney Drive,the Esplanade and Karpal Singh Drive.

Gurney Drive is city’s second Central Business District due to slycrapers and shopping malls..The road is famous for the street cousine  at the sea fronts’ hawker centre.

There are various  beaituful shopping centres in George town Penang,where prices are reasonable for different commodities like Jewellery.electronics, phones and phone cards, dresses, beauty products, hairdresses, shoes and food.

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