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Menara Tower Kaulalumpur (KL)

Menara Kaulalumpur

Menara Kaulalumput also known as The Kualalumpur Tower is a broadcasting and communication Tower.

It is the 7th tallest freestanding tower of the world with an antenna of 421 meters(1,381 feet).The tower comprises 22 lovels with 2,058 steps of stairs and 4 elevators to reach the upper area .

Every year,races are held where participants race up the staris to the top.

Along with broadcasting and telecommunication ,the tower head holds the public observation and a revolving restaurants, providing  diners with a panoramic view of the city.

The tower also used  for Islamic falak observatory to observe the moon which marks the beginning of the Muslim months.

There is an exquisite glass-clad domes in the main lobby of the upper ground floor which sparkles like giant diamonds.These domes were designed and arranged by Iranian craftsmen from Isfahan.

Menara Tower 

The Kaulalumpur Tower is utilized by several organizations for various broadcasting purposes .

The touristic buiding bears souvenir shops and 146 meter long pedestrian mall with cascading pools.

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